Jenkins Upgrades

Thought I would post some of the Twitter messages about upgrading to Jenkins or new Jenkins Plugins over the past 5 days. Nice list...

atonewell Lee
Upgraded our build server from @hudsonci to @jenkinsci today. Painless.

redspot357 Andreas Simon
mission accomplished: #continuousintegration with @jenkinsci #maven #cuke4duke #selenium-webdriver

_godin_ Evgeny Mandrikov
Gentoo Ebuild for #JenkinsCi 1.398 available :

tomhe Tomas Hellberg
Migrated all Autoliv #HudsonCI production servers to #JenkinsCI. Went smoothly as expected.

msonnabaum msonnabaum
Setting up automated testing for #drush using @jenkinsci.

Lewisham Chris Lewis
This is what a bad couple of days looks like #jenkinsci

orrc Christopher
Android Plugin for #jenkinsci now lets you control hardware properties (e.g. RAM size, keyboard present/not)

jenkins_release Jenkins releases
RAD Builder Plugin 1.1.3 #jenkinsci

mitchblevins Mitch Blevins
Since the split, I've seen 7 brand new plugins on the @jenkinsci mailing list, zero for @hudsonci. Valid metric?

buildscientist Youssuf ElKalay
Just finished migrating from #HudsonCI to @jenkinsci - what was everyone so worried about? Seamless upgrade - easy peasy.

9200feet Jon Archer
@simongh not sure how comparable it is, but I've recently set up @jenkinsci and it's very nice, lightweight...just works.

jeffl8n Jeff Layton
Took longer to make a backup of the old Hudson directory than the actual @jenkinsci upgrade I just finished up at work

#jenkinsci Japanese Localization を修正

yoavlandman Yoav Landman
Moved all development of the #Artifactory plugin from #HudsonCI to #JenkinsCI git:… home:…

dllmr Mike Dillamore
Moving assorted software builds to Rake to go onto a @jenkinsci server. Not glamorous, but it needs doing.

littlesanga Tim Sampson
#jenkinsci publish-build plugin just removed a substantial amount of hassle from my life. Thank you plugin authors and @sti

SuperTux88 Benjamin Neff continuous integration for #latex with #jenkinsci #EPIC

gmccance Gavin McCance
Setting up @jenkinsci to bring automated build and test to the CERN compute facility operations. #cern #devops

buildndeploy Brian Kelly
Created a #git repo for my #maven powered #docbook project. #jenkinsci now building it. Need password-less checkout with @unfuddle next.

anickelsen Anders Nickelsen
Setting up automatic deployment of 4-stage build pipeline; dev (in @virtualbox), integration, QA and prod (in cloud) #jenkinsci #puppet

ssogabe ssogabe
#jenkinsci persona plugin ビルドのステータス毎にメッセージを指定できるように修正

thaberkern Timo Haberkern
PEAR on Windows can be so annoying sometimes. Setting up a #jenkinsci on a fresh Win 2008 Server. Everything is working except PEAR :(

ssogabe ssogabe
#jenkinsci Email-ext plugin 2.11 released. See orz

el_joni Joni K
Pls tell if my #StackOverflow answer/rambling on #JenkinsCI-#HudsonCI situ has glaring errors or omissions :] @JenkinsCI

garethr Gareth Rushgrove
Whoot. Have @jenkinsci building a ruby project and, if the unit tests pass, deploying to @brightbox staging environment for functional tests

tfnico T. Ferris Nicolaisen
Neat #jenkinsci Walldisplay plugin just ticked in on the mailing list. Screenshot: src:

thesleepyvegan Ted Pennings
Upgraded to @jenkinsci from Hudson. Super easy. Good riddance Oracle.

onelin onelin
I switched all of our production Hudson deployments to Jenkins on Friday - no issues. Go Jenkins! #jenkinsci

bmathus Baptiste MATHUS
Dream has become reality (demo video, *must see*): Gonna install that asap at work! #git #gerrit #jenkinsci

absj31 absj31
RT @kiy0taka: jenkins-assemblerリリース!… #jenkinsci #griffon

yusukey 山本 裕介
@jenkinsci where can i get the "powered by Jenkins" like banner? I want put it on

jeremymurray Jeremy Murray
Gimp's nightlies have switched from BuildBot to Jenkins. #jenkinsci

GiulianoBR GiulianoBR
RT @littlesanga: in other news: the #jenkinsci dependency graph plugin is lovely.

jautero Juha Autero
Hint for #jenkinsci #python plugin users. Start your build script with: import sys,os sys.path.append(os.environ["WORKSPACE"])

bmathus Baptiste MATHUS
Just discovered an interesting #jenkinsci plugin: #scriptler centralized #groovy script catalog (instead of wiki:

armmer Jason Meridth
@jenkinsci for the record: i love your product and this is a meh conversation :) kudos for the hard work.

stutsmansoft Stutsman Software
@joakime @jenkinsci is one of the best Open Sores apps out there. It's quality.

@giulianobr: I just move our #hudsonci to #jenkinsci, it's was easy and very fast! #great #win #jenkins #ci


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