Salesforce Chatter - a Road-map for Modern Apps

A lot of people scoffed at Salesforce Chatter when it came out. Of course with the vision we had back at Ringside that all apps should become social, and now my involvement with eXo, I have been a big believer in this for a long time.

I was recently reminded of this when we were doing a sales review at eXo last week, and I heard how Chatter was actually being used by our sales and marketing teams. It turns out it was a natural adoption for them. And it results in more and better information being shared within the team.

For example, when a sales rep updates info on a customer, others can see the update in their activity stream. The cross pollination of what is working and not is great. But also others can lend a hand if they happen to have better knowledge on something. The sales team says it is helping them and our prospects and customers.

Then I happened to get an email from Salesforce that highlighted what customers were getting out of it:
  • Collaborate privately and securely
  • Improve teamwork by 27%
  • Follow people, information, and groups
  • Share files and status updates
  • Increase customer responsiveness by 9%
eXo is providing similar levels of functionality for extending enterprise applications. Collaboration, Social, Content, Knowledge solutions for any Java environment. And all cloud ready... So follow the Salesforce road-map for your own environment!


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