2009 Bickel Business Year in Review

For the past 16 years I’ve been doing a personal Holiday Greeting that is kind of a quick year in review. This year I figured I would add a Bickel Running Year in Review as well as a Bickel Business Year in Review. It is kind of a personal log that hopefully I will keep up. I kind of split my life between the running side and the business side… My basic model on the business side is to work with several small technology companies and take a small ownership stake. It has worked out well for me at Bluestone and JBoss, but also a couple of other more part time gigs like Princeton Software, Bristol Technology and this year Hyperic. Hopefully a few of the others will experience similar growth and success. Well, 2009 was much better than 2008 (see Ringside Winding down ). Here are the highlights of the businesses that I am involved in… Hyperic This was the highlight of the year. Over the past several years I had gotten to know the guys at Hyperic very well – great group with techno...