eXo Emerges as Alternative to Liferay + Alfresco

For the past 5 years Liferay and Alfresco have had great growth and emerged as the leaders in the US for Open Source Portal and Content Management. Over the past year I have seen eXo grow from leading the French market in this same space to be the emerging, modern alternative to Liferay + Alfresco . The diagram at the right (from the Real Story Group ) shows how eXo has taken a lead over Liferay in both the evolution of the vendor and the product development. There are several key reasons for that shift: Partnership with Red Hat. Clearly Red Hat taking our product to market on a worldwide basis, having the resources to meet the needs of the largest customers is a big win. Benjamin Mestrallet, the founder and CEO, moved to the US and opened an office in San Francisco. This has helped spur new relationships (some announced and many in the works) as well as visibility in the world market. Funding to allow us to expand and meet the additional worldwide demands and build out our new t...