Bickel Business Review 2011

I like to spend a bit of time looking back at the year each December. I'm happy to report that all of my various business adventures have moved forward since last year . My family is also happy that I did not take on any new projects this year! Overall, it was a year where strategies that were put in place in 2010 started to reap benefits and all of the companies "grew up" a bit. None of them are fully grown by any means, but there is a sense of maturity in each. The other big trend was just a total focus on the Cloud as a delivery and a business model. My view is that tech companies are founded on the technology, and developing for the Cloud changes things drastically. New versions go up each day. There is no need to support old releases. This changes the development, QA, and support processes a great deal. It has the effect of faster cycle times, a requirement for new automation, and if done right, significantly lower costs. ...