WhatsApp Valuation Model

I finally had a moment to figure out the Whatsapp business model. First year is free and then $0.99 per year thereafter . With 400 Million users, that is about $400M in revenue per year (or per next year). They do 18 Billion messages per day. Using Amazon AWS SQS or SNS pricing of $0.50 per Million, that is $9,000 per day of approximate cost, or about $4M of costs per year. I know that is probably a bit light because I am not including data transfer costs of about a Nickel/GB. For employee costs, they had about 60 people at an average fully burdened load of $200K is about $11M. The big cost for WhatsApp are the Apple and Android Store transaction fees of 30% - about $120M. So, a net income (next) year of ~$260M. Put that net at a 73X P/E ratio and it gets you to the $19B valuation. Comparatively: IBM has a PE of 12 Red Hat has a PE of 64 Facebook has a PE of 112 Amazon has a PE of 580. Of course it positions Facebook well to address some challen...