Bickel Cabin - Frank & Mary

After my Great Grandfather Lou established our family cabin , My Grandma and Grandpa (born in 1900), Frank and Mary inherited it. They also lived in West Virginia and would make the long trip up in the summer with their children Bob (my Dad) and Barbara (my Aunt, who has since passed away at a way too early age). Grandpa, Dad, Grandma, Barbara My Dad took my Mom up when they were dating in high school. Mom & Dad My Mom and Dad would take us up as kids. This was a very important influence on me. The anticipation of going to Canada each summer - making the two day trip - my parents letting me out of the car a couple hundred meters before the cabin so I could run ahead of the car - helping Grandma pick blueberries and make pies - helping Grandpa fill the generators to pump water or light the house each night - family fishing/picnic trips "down the lake" - quiet hours doing nothing but waiting for the fish to be ready with my line in the water next to my Grandpa ...