eXo Market Positioning

Before I start the eXo Industry Trends Series, I may as well give our current perception of how eXo fits into the market landscape and how we can help certain organizations.
Java middleware like JBoss, Spring and WebSphere have become the standard for web applications built by enterprises. However it has been totally focused on scalability and efficiency of controlled, self-hosted relational database applications. Meanwhile, Cloud Services and the consumer web has driven much richer user environments with very fast development and deployment. These services provide not just better interactivity but a combination of features like mixing content and data, enabling collaboration and social features, and offering much more personal control and empowerment. The .Net and PHP communities have the Sharepoint and Drupal frameworks to bring this new rich web environment to those communities.
The eXo Platform is focused on making Java relevant again by building on the solid existing Java middleware infrastructure with a next generation framework and set of Core and Extended Services and applications that provide the benefit of rapid development and deployment. The architecture runs on Tomcat, JBoss, Spring, and other Java environments. It enables Java developers to easily, quickly and consistently expand existing applications – bringing the types of features users see daily on Facebook, Google Maps and Amazon to existing database applications. Additionally, the services based architecture is designed for the modern web environment enabling SaaS and Cloud based services and deployment flexibility and efficiency.
The powerful set of REST-based Core Services provide common services for rapid website development, Content Management, User Management and modern Gadget-based development and deployment. There is a large set of Extended Services for Social, Collaboration, Content Management, and Knowledge Management. Cloud Service Applications provide reusable services for building rich applications as well as pre-built applications including content Explorer, Email, Calendar, Activity Streams, Directories, Gadgets and Mashups. All of this is provided in the type of powerful, consistent, modular framework that Java developers are used to. This brings great efficiencies for giving java developers a simple transition and smooth roadmap from the traditional custom database driven applications to cutting edge user-centered web applications.
Finally, the eXo Platform fits into existing management frameworks like the JBoss Operations Network and Spring’s TCServer Application Management. In addition, the eXo Platform will provide innovative management and monitoring that focus on what the user is doing – providing the type of feedback the enterprise needs to understand their current and future investments on the web.