Salesforce Chatter - a Road-map for Modern Apps

I was recently reminded of this when we were doing a sales review at eXo last week, and I heard how Chatter was actually being used by our sales and marketing teams. It turns out it was a natural adoption for them. And it results in more and better information being shared within the team.
For example, when a sales rep updates info on a customer, others can see the update in their activity stream. The cross pollination of what is working and not is great. But also others can lend a hand if they happen to have better knowledge on something. The sales team says it is helping them and our prospects and customers.
Then I happened to get an email from Salesforce that highlighted what customers were getting out of it:
- Collaborate privately and securely
- Improve teamwork by 27%
- Follow people, information, and groups
- Share files and status updates
- Increase customer responsiveness by 9%
eXo is providing similar levels of functionality for extending enterprise applications. Collaboration, Social, Content, Knowledge solutions for any Java environment. And all cloud ready... So follow the Salesforce road-map for your own environment!