Ken Olsen - RIP

In 1981 I was getting my MBA at night while working as an engineer at Leeds & Northrup designing local area networks built to the joint Xerox/Intel/DEC Ethernet Specification. I had my sights set on becoming a product manager, and figured I needed to understand why people buy. I started looking for a sales job and ended up going to Digital Equipment Corporation. I went for a couple of reasons. First, they had a policy where they did not pay sales people commissions so they would act in the best interests of the customer. That felt right to me. Second, the people were amazing. Third, they were growing very fast and there was a lot of opportunity. When I joined revenues were about $1 B, and when I left 11 years later they were over $13 B. Pretty fast growth for back in those days...
Once I got inside, it was amazing to see the culture. It was a combination of people trying to make each other successful, where individuals were empowered. There was a one page document that everyone had that laid out the very meaning of the company and defined the culture. Everyone there could summarize it in the same four words - "Do the Right Thing". And you knew what that meant - it would make your mother proud of you. It would make Ken proud of you.

During my time there a flurry of new products were created across the entire spectrum of hardware, software and networking. Innovation flowed because people were encouraged to create startups right inside the company.
I had a wonderful job for several years servicing the duPont Exp

He talked about how the company had grown so large and complex and in some ways he wished we could focus on only a couple of products so everyone would know what the company did - employees, customers, the market. But he felt that he needed to let people have responsibility and with that there was a degree of chaos and change. He liked all the innovation. I could sense that he struggled with the idea of breaking the company up so that the many innovations could be unleashed from the growing corporate bureaucracy.
A few years later, it became clear that Digital had missed new waves of computing that were springing up. There were actually Digital people and products in each of those areas - UNIX was first created on DEC PDP computers and the VAX was the leading UNIX computer at the time. The Robin was originally loaned to Dan Bricklin to write Visicalc - the app that made the first wave of PC's appeal to business, however the Digital manager did not let him have it for long enough and he wrote it on a PC.
This left Ken with a legacy (although I prefer this one from 1988) much like Scott McNealy and Sun. A cruel reminder of the pace of change in this industry.
I credit Coach Gulden, my college coach, with teaching me the value of teamwork. I credit Ken with teaching me and countless other Digital alumni the value of sharing responsibility, helping to make others successful. And knowing that doing the right thing IS the right thing.
Thanks Ken.